Abbeville - - Aberdeen - N
Aberdeen - O - Abingdon - V
Abington - M - Acton - Mass
Acton - Main - Adams - New
Adams - Wisc - Addison - Ne
Addison - Pe - Afton - Minn
Afton - Wyom - Aitkin - Min
Ajo - Arizon - Alameda - Ca
Alamo - Cali - Albany - Ind
Albany - Ken - Albemarle -
Albert Lea - - Albion - Neb
Albion - New - Alexander Ci
Alexandria - - Algona - Iow
Algonac - Mi - Allegan - Mi
Allegan - Mi - Allentown -
Allentown - - Almont - Mic
Almont - Mic - Alta - Iowa
Altamont - I - Alton - Illi
Alton - Illi - Alva - Flori
Alva - Oklah - Amboy - Wash
Ambridge - P - Ames - Iowa
Amesbury - M - Amsterdam -
Anacortes - - Andalusia -
Andalusia - - Andover - Ne
Andover - Ne - Angola - Ind
Angola - New - Annandale -
Annandale - - Ansonia - Co
Ansonia - Oh - Antlers - Ok
Anton - Texa - Apopka - Flo
Appalachia - - Aragon - Geo
Aransas Pass - Arcadia - Wi
Arcanum - Oh - Ardmore - Pe
Ardmore - Te - Arlington -
Arlington - - Arma - Kansa
Armada - Mic - Arnold - Mis
Arnolds Park - Ash Flat - A
Ash Grove - - Ashfield - M
Ashford - Al - Ashland - Mi
Ashland - Ne - Ashland City
Ashley - Ohi - Asotin - Was
Aspen - Colo - Atascadero -
Atchison - K - Athens - Ten
Athens - Tex - Atkinson - N
Atkinson - N - Atlantic Bea
Atlantic Cit - Attleboro -
Atwater - Ca - Auburn - Cal
Auburn - Geo - Auburn - Neb
Auburn - New - Augusta - Ge
Augusta - Ka - Aurora - Ill
Aurora - Ind - Azusa - Cali
Babbitt - Mi - Baker - Mont
Baker City - - Ballwin - Mi
Balsam Lake - Barberton -
Barboursvill - Barnum - Min
Barnwell - S - Barton - New
Bartow - Flo - Bath - Maine
Bath - Michi - Bay Minette
Bay Saint Lo - Beacon Falls
Beale Afb - - Beaverton -
Beaverton - - Bedminster -
Beebe - Arka - Belgrade - M
Belhaven - N - Belle Rose -
Belle Vernon - Bellevue - M
Bellevue - M - Belmar - New
Belmond - Io - Belzoni - Mi
Bement - Ill - Benson - Min
Benson - Nor - Berkeley - C
Berkeley - I - Bernardston
Bernardsvill - Bessemer - A
Bessemer - M - Bethesda - M
Bethesda - O - Biddeford -
Big Bear Cit - Biggs - Cali
Biglerville - Bishopville
Bismarck - M - Blackwood -
Bladenboro - - Bloomer - Wi
Bloomfield - - Bloomington
Bloomington - Blue Springs
Bluefield - - Bogata - Tex
Bogota - New - Bonham - Tex
Bonifay - Fl - Boonville -
Boonville - - Bothell - Wa
Botkins - Oh - Bowdoin - Ma
Bowdoinham - - Boylston - M
Boyne City - - Bradley - Il
Bradley - Ma - Branson - Mi
Branson - Mi - Bremen - Geo
Bremen - Ind - Briarcliff M
Brick - New - Bridgeville
Bridgeville - Brightwaters
Brillion - W - Britt - Iowa
Britton - So - Bronson - Fl
Bronson - Mi - Brookings -
Brookings - - Brooksville
Brookville - - Brownsville
Brownsville - Bryan - Texa
Bryans Road - Bucyrus - Oh
Buda - Texas - Buffalo - We
Buffalo - Wy - Burbank - Wa
Burgaw - Nor - Burlington -
Burlington - - Byron Center
Calera - Ala - Cowarts - Al
Creola - Ala - Charleston -
Cherokee Vil - Carpinteria
Carson - Cal - Clovis - Cal
Coachella - - Culver City
Cupertino - - Chester - Co
Clinton - Co - Cocoa - Flor
Cocoa Beach - Cleveland -
Cochran - Ge - Cambridge -
Cambridge - - Carterville
Carterville - Chatham - Il
Chatsworth - - Clinton - Il
Clinton - Il - Crete - Illi
Creve Coeur - Cloverdale -
Columbia Cit - Central City
Chariton - I - Carbondale -
Chanute - Ka - Catlettsburg
Cave City - - Cotton Valle
Cottonport - - Cumberland C
Cushing - Ma - Cambridge -
Canton - Mas - Camden - Mic
Canton - Mic - Chesaning -
Clare - Mich - Crystal Fall
Curtis - Mic - Cohasset - M
Cokato - Min - Columbia - M
Columbus - M - Cassville -
Cedar Hill - - Cuba - Misso
Chinook - Mo - Candia - New
Canterbury - - Chatham - Ne
Cherry Hill - Capitan - Ne
Carlsbad - N - Canisteo - N
Canton - New - Chittenango
Churchville - Collins - Ne
Colton - New - Carolina Bea
Carrboro - N - Cullowhee -
Cando - Nort - Carroll - Oh
Carrollton - - Coldwater -
Columbiana - - Chickasha -
Choctaw - Ok - Coos Bay - O
Coquille - O - Charleroi -
Cheltenham - - Connellsvill
Connellsvill - Chester - So
Chesterfield - Clarksville
Cleveland - - Carrollton -
Carthage - T - College Stat
Colleyville - Crowley - Te
Crystal City - Castlewood -
Cedar Bluff - Crimora - Vi
Crozet - Vir - Charles Town
Chester - We - Cumberland -
Dacono - Col - Dahlonega -
Daingerfield - Dallas - Geo
Dallas - Nor - Dalton - Geo
Dalton - Mas - Damascus - P
Dana Point - - Danielson -
Dansville - - Danville - I
Danville - I - Daphne - Ala
Darby - Penn - Darlington -
Darlington - - Davenport -
Davenport - - Davisboro -
Davison - Mi - Dayton - New
Dayton - Nev - Dayton - Was
Daytona Beac - De Smet - So
De Soto - Io - Deadwood - S
Deal - New J - Decatur - Il
Decatur - Il - Decatur - Te
Decherd - Te - Deer Park -
Deer Park - - Deerfield -
Deerfield Be - Del Rio - Te
Delafield - - Delcambre -
Delevan - Ne - Delmont - Pe
Delphi - Ind - Demarest - N
Deming - New - Denmark - Ma
Denmark - So - Denton - Tex
Denver - Col - Deposit - Ne
Dequincy - L - Des Allemand
Des Arc - Ar - Destrehan -
Detroit - Mi - Dexter - Mic
Dexter - Mic - Diboll - Tex
Dickinson - - Dillon - Mon
Dillon - Sou - Discovery Ba
District Hei - Dixon - Illi
Dixon - Miss - Dolgeville -
Dolton - Ill - Donora - Pen
Dora - Alaba - Douglas - Wy
Douglass - K - Dover - Mass
Dover - New - Dover Plains
Dowagiac - M - Doylestown -
Doylestown - - Drew - Missi
Drexel Hill - Dryden - New
Dryden - Vir - Dublin - Ohi
Dublin - Pen - Due West - S
Dugway - Uta - Dumas - Texa
Dumfries - V - Duncan - Okl
Duncan - Sou - Dundee - Mic
Dundee - Mic - Dunkirk - Ne
Dunlap - Iow - Dupo - Illin
Dupont - Was - Durant - Iow
Durant - Mis - Duryea - Pen
Duvall - Was - Dysart - Iow
Eagar - Ariz - Eagle Lake -
Eagle Lake - - Earlimart -
Earlington - - East Berlin
East Bernard - East Chicago
East China - - East Greenbu
East Greenvi - East Haven -
East Helena - East Lyme -
East Machias - East Norwich
East Orange - East Prairie
East Provide - East Sandwic
East Strouds - Eastford - C
Eastham - Ma - Easton - Mar
Easton - Mai - Eaton - Indi
Eaton - New - Eatonville -
Eau Claire - - Eddyville -
Eddyville - - Edgar - Wisc
Edgard - Lou - Edgewater -
Edgewater - - Edinburg - T
Edinburgh - - Edmonton - K
Edmore - Mic - Effingham -
Effingham - - El Centro -
El Cerrito - - El Monte - C
El Paso - Il - Elberton - G
Elbow Lake - - Eldorado - T
Eldorado - W - Elgin - Texa
Eliot - Main - Elizabethtow
Elizabethtow - Elk Point -
Elk Rapids - - Elkhart Lake
Elkhorn - Ne - Elkton - Ken
Elkton - Mar - Ellenville -
Ellerbe - No - Ellisville -
Ellsworth - - Elm Grove -
Elma - New Y - Elmsford - N
Elmwood - Il - Elton - Loui
Elverson - P - Elyria - Ohi
Elyria - Ohi - Eminence - M
Emmaus - Pen - Emporia - Ka
Emporia - Vi - Enfield - Ne
England - Ar - Englishtown
Enid - Oklah - Entiat - Was
Enumclaw - W - Epsom - New
Epworth - Io - Erie - Michi
Erie - Penns - Escalon - Ca
Escanaba - M - Essex - Mary
Essex Fells - Estes Park -
Estherville - Eudora - Ark
Eudora - Kan - Eupora - Mis
Eureka - Cal - Evans - Colo
Evans - Geor - Evansville -
Evart - Mich - Eyota - Minn
Factoryville - Fairbank - I
Fairbanks - - Fairfax - Ca
Fairfax - Io - Fairfield -
Fairfield - - Fairfield -
Fairfield Ba - Fairmont - M
Fairmont - N - Fairview - O
Fairview - O - Fall Branch
Fall City - - Falls City -
Fallsburg - - Faribault -
Farley - Iow - Farmingdale
Farmingdale - Farmington -
Farmington - - Farmville -
Farmville - - Fayette - Oh
Fayette - Oh - Fayetteville
Federal Way - Fenton - Mis
Ferdinand - - Ferndale - W
Fernley - Ne - Fillmore - C
Fillmore - U - Fishkill - N
Fiskdale - M - Flandreau -
Flat Rock - - Flemington -
Fletcher - N - Flora - Illi
Flora - Indi - Florence - A
Florence - C - Floresville
Florham Park - Flowery Bran
Flowood - Mi - Foley - Minn
Folkston - G - Ford City -
Fords - New - Forest City
Forest City - Foresthill -
Forestport - - Forrest City
Forreston - - Fort Atkinso
Fort Benton - Fort Davis -
Fort Deposit - Fort Gibson
Fort Gratiot - Fort Lee - V
Fort Leonard - Fort Myers -
Fort Myers B - Fort Rucker
Fort Scott - - Fort Valley
Fort Walton - Fortville -
Fosston - Mi - Four Oaks -
Fowler - Cal - Fox Lake - I
Fox Lake - W - Frankenmuth
Frankfort - - Franklin - K
Franklin - L - Franklin - N
Franklin - O - Franklin Fur
Franklin Gro - Franklinvill
Frankston - - Frazier Park
Frederic - M - Fredericktow
Fredericktow - Freedom - Ca
Freedom - Ne - Freeland - W
Freeman - So - Freeport - T
Fremont - Ca - Fyffe - Alab
Gadsden - Al - Galena - Ill
Galena - Kan - Gallatin - M
Gallatin - M - Galva - Illi
Galva - Illi - Garden City
Garden City - Gardner - Il
Gardner - Il - Garnett - Ka
Garretson - - Gasport - Ne
Gassville - - Gaylord - Mi
Geary - Okla - Geneva - Ind
Geneva - Neb - Genoa - Ohio
Genoa City - - Georgetown -
Georgetown - - Germantown -
Germantown - - Gibbsboro -
Gibbstown - - Gilbert - Mi
Gilberts - I - Gilman - Ill
Gilmanton - - Glade Spring
Gladewater - - Glasgow - Vi
Glassboro - - Glen Head -
Glen Lyon - - Glendive - M
Glendora - C - Glens Falls
Glenside - P - Glenwood Spr
Glidden - Io - Glyndon - Mi
Gnadenhutten - Golden Meado
Golden Valle - Gooding - Id
Goodland - I - Goose Creek
Gordo - Alab - Goshen - Ind
Goshen - New - Graceville -
Grafton - Il - Graham - Tex
Graham - Was - Granby - Mis
Grand Bay - - Grand Isle -
Grand Isle - - Grand Rapids
Grand Saline - Granite - Ok
Granite Bay - Grants - New
Grants Pass - Grapeland -
Grapevine - - Gray Summit
Grayland - W - Great Barrin
Great Bend - - Green Bay -
Green Cove S - Greenbrier -
Greenbrier - - Greeneville
Greenfield - - Greenland -
Greenlawn - - Greensburg -
Greentown - - Greenville -
Greenville - - Greenville -
Greenville - - Greenwood -
Greenwood - - Gretna - Neb
Gretna - Vir - Griggsville
Grimes - Iow - Groton - New
Groton - Sou - Groveport -
Grover Beach - Guernsey - W
Guilderland - Gypsum - Col
Hacienda Hei - Hagerstown -
Hagerstown - - Half Moon Ba
Halifax - Ma - Hamburg - Io
Hamburg - Ne - Hamilton - T
Hamlet - Nor - Hampshire -
Hampstead - - Hampton - So
Hampton - Vi - Hanna - Indi
Hannibal - M - Hardeeville
Hardin - Mis - Harmony - Mi
Harmony - Pe - Harris - Min
Harris - Min - Harrison - N
Harrison - N - Hart - Michi
Hart - Texas - Hartland - M
Hartland - V - Harvard - Ma
Harvard - Ne - Haskell - Te
Haslet - Tex - Hattiesburg
Haubstadt - - Haverhill -
Haverstraw - - Haworth - Ne
Hawthorne - - Hayneville -
Hays - Kansa - Hazelhurst -
Hazelwood - - Heath - Ohio
Heavener - O - Hector - Min
Hector - New - Hemlock - Mi
Hemphill - T - Hendersonvil
Hennepin - I - Hercules - C
Hereford - P - Herriman - U
Herrin - Ill - Heyworth - I
Hialeah - Fl - Hidalgo - Te
Hidden Valle - Highland Fal
Highland Mil - Hill - New H
Hill City - - Hillsboro -
Hillsboro - - Hillsville -
Hilltown - P - Hinsdale - M
Hinsdale - N - Hobbs - New
Hobe Sound - - Holcomb - Mi
Holden - Mas - Holland - Oh
Hollandale - - Holly Spring
Holly Spring - Holualoa - H
Holyoke - Co - Homerville -
Homestead - - Honey Grove
Honeyville - - Hope - Arkan
Hope - India - Hopkinton -
Hopkinton - - Horsham - Pe
Horton - Kan - Houston - Mi
Houston - Mi - Howland - Ma
Hoxie - Arka - Hudson - Flo
Hudson - Iow - Hudson Falls
Hudsonville - Humboldt - I
Humboldt - I - Huntington -
Huntington - - Hyrum - Utah
Ida - Michig - Ida Grove -
Idabel - Okl - Idaho Falls
Idaho Spring - Idalou - Tex
Ilion - New - Illiopolis -
Imlay City - - Immokalee -
Imperial - C - Imperial - M
Imperial - M - Imperial - N
Imperial Bea - Ina - Illino
Independence - Independence
Independence - Independence
Independence - Independence
Independence - Independence
Indialantic - Indian Head
Indian Lake - Indian River
Indian Rocks - Indian Trail
Indian Wells - Indiana - Pe
Indiana - Pe - Indianapolis
Indianola - - Indianola -
Indianola - - Indiantown -
Indio - Cali - Industry - P
Inez - Texas - Ingalls - In
Ingleside - - Inglewood -
Inglis - Flo - Ingram - Tex
Inkster - Mi - Inman - Kans
Inman - Sout - Inola - Okla
Interlachen - Internationa
Inver Grove - Inverness -
Inverness - - Inwood - New
Inwood - Wes - Iola - Kansa
Iola - Wisco - Iona - Idaho
Ione - Calif - Ionia - Mich
Ionia - Mich - Iota - Louis
Iowa - Louis - Iowa City -
Iowa Falls - - Iowa Park -
Ipswich - Ma - Irasburg - V
Irmo - South - Iron Mountai
Iron Ridge - - Iron River -
Iron River - - Iron River -
Ironton - Mi - Ironton - Oh
Ironwood - M - Ironwood - M
Irrigon - Or - Irvine - Cal
Irvine - Ken - Irving - Ill
Irving - Ill - Irving - Tex
Irvington - - Irvington -
Irvington - - Irvington -
Irwin - Penn - Irwin - Penn
Isanti - Min - Isanti - Min
Iselin - New - Ishpeming -
Ishpeming - - Islamorada -
Island Park - Ivins - Utah
Jacksboro - - Jackson - Al
Jackson - Ca - Jackson - Ke
Jackson - Lo - Jackson - Mi
Jackson - Mi - Jackson - Mi
Jackson - Ne - Jackson - So
Jackson - Te - Jackson - Wy
Jackson Cent - Jacksonville
Jacksonville - Jacksonville
Jacksonville - Jacksonville
Jaffrey - Ne - Jamestown -
Jamestown - - Jamestown -
Jamestown - - Jamestown -
Jamestown - - Jamestown -
Jamul - Cali - Janesville -
Jarales - Ne - Jasonville -
Jasper - Ala - Jasper - Geo
Jasper - Ind - Jasper - New
Jasper - Ten - Jay - Maine
Jay - New Yo - Jeanerette -
Jeannette - - Jefferson -
Jefferson - - Jefferson -
Jefferson - - Jefferson -
Jefferson - - Jefferson Ci
Jeffersonvil - Jeffersonvil
Jeffersonvil - Jellico - Te
Jemez Pueblo - Jena - Louis
Jenison - Mi - Jenkintown -
Jenks - Okla - Jensen Beach
Jericho - Ne - Jermyn - Pen
Jerome - Ida - Jersey City
Jersey Shore - Jerusalem -
Jessup - Pen - Jesup - Iowa
Jewett City - Joanna - Sou
John Day - O - Johnson - Ve
Johnson City - Johnson City
Johnson Cree - Johnsonville
Johnston - I - Johnston - S
Johnston Cit - Johnstown -
Johnstown - - Joliet - Ill
Joliet - Ill - Jonesboro -
Jonesboro - - Jonesboro -
Jonesboro - - Jonesport -
Jonestown - - Jonesville -
Jonesville - - Joplin - Mis
Joplin - Mis - Jordan - New
Joseph - Ore - Joshua Tree
Jourdanton - - Julesburg -
Julian - Cal - Junction Cit
Junction Cit - Juneau - Ala
Juniata - Ne - Justin - Tex
Kaaawa - Haw - Kahului - Ha
Kalaheo - Ha - Kalamazoo -
Kalispell - - Kalona - Iow
Kamas - Utah - Kane - Penns
Kaneohe - Ha - Kannapolis -
Kansas City - Kaplan - Lou
Karnes City - Kathleen - F
Katy - Texas - Kaunakakai -
Kawkawlin - - Kealakekua -
Keansburg - - Kearney - Ne
Kearny - Ari - Kechi - Kans
Keego Harbor - Keene - Texa
Keeseville - - Kelseyville
Kelso - Wash - Kemp - Texas
Kempner - Te - Kenbridge -
Kendall - Ne - Kenduskeag -
Kenedy - Tex - Kenilworth -
Kenly - Nort - Kennebunkpor
Kennedale - - Kennett - Mi
Kennett Squa - Kenova - Wes
Kensett - Ar - Kent - New Y
Kent - Ohio - Kentland - I
Kenton - Ohi - Kenyon - Min
Keokuk - Iow - Kerhonkson -
Kerman - Cal - Kernville -
Kerrville - - Keshena - Wi
Ketchikan - - Kettleman Ci
Kewanee - Il - Kewaunee - W
Key Largo - - Keyport - Ne
Keyser - Wes - Kiel - Wisco
Kihei - Hawa - Kill Devil H
Killbuck - O - Killington -
Killingworth - Kimball - Ne
Kimberling C - Kimberly - W
Kinder - Lou - King City -
King Of Prus - Kingman - Ar
Kingman - Ka - Kingsburg -
Kingsford - - Kingsley - I
Kingsley - M - Kingston - I
Kingston - M - Kingston - N
Kingston - N - Kingston - P
Kingston - P - Kingston - W
Kingston Spr - Kingsville -
Kingsville - - Kinmundy - I
Kinsley - Ka - Kiowa - Kans
Kirbyville - - Kirklin - In
Kirksville - - Kissimmee -
Kittanning - - Kittery Poin
Kitty Hawk - - Knightstown
Knox - India - Kyle - Texas
La Belle - M - La Grange -
La Grange - - La Monte - M
La Palma - C - La Salle - M
La Vergne - - Laconia - Ne
Ladd - Illin - Lagrange - G
Lagrange - I - Lake Bluff -
Lake Butler - Lake Forest
Lake Forest - Lake Mills -
Lake Mills - - Lake Tomahaw
Lake View - - Lakeport - C
Lakeside - C - Lakewood - W
Lakin - Kans - Lancaster -
Lancaster - - Langdon - No
Langhorne - - Lapwai - Ida
Laramie - Wy - Lathrop - Ca
Lathrop - Mi - Laurens - So
Laurinburg - - Lawrenceburg
Lawrenceburg - Le Roy - Ill
Le Roy - New - Lebanon - Co
Lebanon - Il - Lebanon - Te
Lebanon - Vi - Leesburg - G
Leesburg - O - Leland - Mic
Leland - Mis - Lenoir City
Lenox - Iowa - Leslie - Mic
Leslie - Mic - Lewisport -
Lewiston - C - Lexington -
Lexington - - Lexington -
Lexington - - Liberty Cent
Liberty Hill - Lima - Ohio
Limerick - M - Lincoln - Ne
Lincoln - Rh - Linden - Cal
Linden - Mic - Linton - Ind
Linwood - Ne - Litchfield -
Litchfield - - Little Falls
Little Falls - Littleton -
Live Oak - C - Livingston -
Livingston - - Lockport - I
Lockport - L - Lodi - Wisco
Logan - Iowa - Lonaconing -
London - Ken - Long Branch
Long Lake - - Loogootee -
Lookout Moun - Los Altos -
Los Angeles - Louisburg -
Louisiana - - Loves Park -
Lovettsville - Lowville - N
Loxley - Ala - Ludowici - G
Lufkin - Tex - Lunenburg -
Luray - Virg - Lykens - Pen
Lykens - Pen - Lyndon - Ill
Lyndonville - Lytle - Texa
Mabank - Tex - Madbury - Ne
Madelia - Mi - Madison Heig
Madison Heig - Mahomet - Il
Mahopac - Ne - Malta - Ohio
Malvern - Ar - Manchester -
Manchester - - Manheim - Pe
Manila - Ark - Mansfield -
Mansfield - - Manvel - Tex
Manville - N - Marble Hill
Marblehead - - Marietta - O
Marietta - O - Marion - Ohi
Marion - Sou - Marlette - M
Marlin - Tex - Marshall - M
Marshall - M - Martinsville
Martinton - - Mason - Illi
Mason - Mich - Mathews - Lo
Mathis - Tex - Mayflower -
Maynard - Ma - Mcallen - Te
Mccall - Ida - Mebane - Nor
Mecca - Cali - Medicine Lod
Medina - New - Melville - L
Melville - N - Menlo Park -
Menominee - - Meridian - T
Meridianvill - Methuen - Ma
Metropolis - - Middleburg -
Middleburgh - Middletown -
Middletown - - Mikado - Mic
Milaca - Min - Milford - Il
Milford - In - Millburn - N
Millbury - M - Millstone To
Milltown - N - Minden - Nev
Mine Hill - - Minot - Main
Minot - Nort - Moab - Utah
Moberly - Mi - Monahans - T
Moncks Corne - Monroe - Con
Monroe - Geo - Mont Vernon
Montague - C - Montezuma -
Montezuma - - Monticello -
Monticello - - Monument - C
Moodus - Con - Morehead - K
Morehead Cit - Morrilton -
Morris - Ala - Morton - Ill
Morton - Mis - Moundridge -
Mounds - Okl - Mount Gilead
Mount Holly - Mount Olive
Mount Orab - - Mount Union
Mount Vernon - Mountain Lak
Mountain Lak - Mulberry - I
Mulberry Gro - Murfreesboro
Murphy - Nor - Mystic - Con
Nacogdoches - Napa - Calif
Napanoch - N - Napoleon - O
Napoleon - O - Nashua - Iow
Nashua - New - Nashville -
Nashwauk - M - National Par
Naugatuck - - Nedrow - New
Needham - In - Neillsville
Nekoosa - Wi - Neosho - Mis
Nephi - Utah - Ness City -
Netcong - Ne - New Albany -
New Albany - - New Berlin -
New Berlin - - New Braintre
New Braunfel - New Buffalo
New Carlisle - New Concord
New Cumberla - New Freedom
New Glarus - - New Haven -
New Haven - - New Hope - P
New Hyde Par - New Lenox -
New Lenox - - New London -
New London - - New Market -
New Market - - New Orleans
New Oxford - - New Plymouth
New Port Ric - New Roads -
New Rochelle - New Town - N
New Ulm - Mi - New York Mil
New York Mil - Newark - Ohi
Newark - Ohi - Newberry - M
Newberry - S - Newcastle -
Newcastle - - Newfield - N
Newfields - - Newnan - Geo
Newport - Ar - Newport - Or
Newport - Pe - Newport Coas
Newport News - Newton - Mis
Newton - Nor - Newville - P
Niagara - Wi - Nicholson -
Nickerson - - Ninety Six -
Nineveh - In - Nixon - Texa
Noble - Illi - Nogales - Ar
Nokesville - - Norco - Cali
Norco - Loui - Norlina - No
Normal - Ill - North Arling
North August - North Bend -
North Bennin - North Branch
North Branfo - North East -
North East - - North Judson
North Kingst - North Miami
North Myrtle - North Port -
North Prairi - North Salt L
North Sioux - North Wales
North Yarmou - Nyssa - Oreg
Oak Bluffs - - Oak Grove -
Oak Grove - - Oak Hill - O
Oak Hill - W - Oak Park - I
Oak Park - M - Oakdale - Ca
Oakdale - Lo - Oakham - Mas
Oakhurst - C - Oakland - Ma
Oakland - Ne - Oakley - Kan
Oakley - Kan - Oakton - Vir
Oakville - C - Oberlin - Ka
Oberlin - Lo - Occidental -
Ocean City - - Ocean Spring
Ocean View - - Oceanside -
Ocilla - Geo - Odebolt - Io
Odell - Illi - Odessa - Flo
Odessa - Mis - Oelwein - Io
Ogallala - N - Ogden - Utah
Ogdensburg - - Ogunquit - M
Ohatchee - A - Okarche - Ok
Okawville - - Oklahoma Cit
Okmulgee - O - Olathe - Kan
Old Bethpage - Old Orchard
Old Saybrook - Olive Branch
Olive Hill - - Olla - Louis
Olmito - Tex - Olney - Texa
Olton - Texa - Omaha - Nebr
Omak - Washi - Onancock - V
Onarga - Ill - Oneida - Wis
Onekama - Mi - Ontario - Ne
Ontario - Or - Oostburg - W
Opelika - Al - Oracle - Ari
Oradell - Ne - Orange - New
Orange - Tex - Orange Cove
Orange Grove - Orchard Park
Ord - Nebras - Oregon - Wis
Oregon City - Orinda - Cal
Orion - Illi - Orland Park
Orlando - Fl - Ormond Beach
Orofino - Id - Oroville - C
Oroville - W - Ortonville -
Ortonville - - Orwigsburg -
Osage - Iowa - Osborne - Ka
Osceola - Ar - Oscoda - Mic
Osgood - Ind - Osprey - Flo
Osseo - Minn - Ossipee - Ne
Oswegatchie - Othello - Wa
Otis - Massa - Ottawa - Ill
Ottawa - Kan - Overland Par
Overton - Te - Owego - New
Owens Cross - Owings - Mar
Owingsville - Ozona - Texa
Pacific - Mi - Paia - Hawai
Painesville - Palisade - C
Palisades Pa - Palmer Lake
Palmerton - - Palo Cedro -
Palos Height - Panora - Iow
Paola - Kans - Paradise Val
Paragould - - Park City -
Park Falls - - Parkersburg
Parkesburg - - Pasadena - C
Pasadena - M - Patten - Mai
Patterson - - Paw Paw - Mi
Pawcatuck - - Paynesville
Payson - Ari - Pearl River
Pearland - T - Pegram - Ten
Pekin - Illi - Pembine - Wi
Pembroke - G - Penitas - Te
Penn Valley - Pensacola -
Pentwater - - Peridot - Ar
Perkasie - P - Perryopolis
Perrysburg - - Peshtigo - W
Petal - Miss - Pewee Valley
Pflugerville - Phillipsburg
Philmont - N - Pickens - So
Pickerington - Pierson - Mi
Pierz - Minn - Pinconning -
Pine - Arizo - Pine River -
Pine River - - Pinson - Ala
Pioneer - Oh - Pittsfield -
Pittsfield - - Placerville
Placitas - N - Plainview -
Plainview - - Plantersvill
Plaquemine - - Pleasant Hil
Pleasant Hil - Plentywood -
Plover - Wis - Plymouth - W
Plymouth Mee - Point Pleasa
Poland - Mai - Pompano Beac
Pompton Lake - Poplar Grove
Poplarville - Port Charlot
Port Chester - Port Lavaca
Port Ludlow - Port Sulphur
Port Townsen - Portland - I
Portland - M - Posen - Illi
Poseyville - - Pottsville -
Poughkeepsie - Poynette - W
Prague - Okl - Prescott - W
Prescott Val - Princeton -
Princeton - - Princeville
Princeville - Prospect Par
Prosper - Te - Pulaski - Wi
Pulteney - N - Puyallup - W
Quakertown - - Quanah - Tex
Quarryville - Queen City -
Queen Creek - Queensbury -
Questa - New - Quincy - Cal
Quincy - Flo - Quincy - Ill
Quincy - Ill - Quincy - Mas
Quincy - Mic - Quincy - Was
Quinebaug - - Quinlan - Te
Quinnesec - - Quinton - Ok
Quitman - Mi - Quitman - Te
Raceland - L - Rainbow City
Rainelle - W - Ramona - Cal
Ramseur - No - Rancho Santa
Ranchos De T - Randolph - W
Random Lake - Rapid River
Rarden - Ohi - Ravenna - Mi
Ravenna - Mi - Raymond - Ma
Raymond - Mi - Rayville - L
Readfield - - Red Bluff -
Red Bud - Il - Red Oak - Te
Red Springs - Redkey - Ind
Redlands - C - Reedley - Ca
Reedsport - - Reidsville -
Reinbeck - I - Rensselaervi
Renton - Was - Reynolds - G
Reynoldsburg - Richboro - P
Richfield - - Richland - N
Richland - P - Richmond - I
Richmond - K - Richmond - V
Richmond - V - Ridgefield -
Ridgefield - - Ridgewood -
Ridgway - Pe - Rindge - New
Ringgold - G - Rio Hondo -
Rio Linda - - Ripon - Cali
Ripon - Wisc - River Falls
River Forest - Riverdale -
Riverdale - - Riverton - N
Riverton - U - Roanoke - In
Roanoke - Te - Robertsdale
Robesonia - - Rochelle Par
Rochelle Par - Rochester -
Rochester - - Rock Hill -
Rock Hill - - Rockaway - N
Rockaway Bea - Rockford - O
Rockingham - - Rockport - M
Rockport - T - Rockwell - N
Rockwell Cit - Rocky River
Rodeo - Cali - Rogersville
Rogersville - Rolla - Nort
Rolling Fork - Romeo - Mich
Romeoville - - Roodhouse -
Roosevelt - - Roscommon -
Roscommon - - Rosedale - M
Rosedale - M - Rosenberg -
Rosendale - - Rossford - O
Rossville - - Rothschild -
Roulette - P - Rowley - Mas
Roxana - Ill - Royalton - I
Royersford - - Ruleville -
Rumney - New - Rye - New Yo
Samson - Ala - Safford - Ar
Sahuarita - - Siloam Sprin
Smackover - - San Jose - C
San Juan Bau - Santa Monica
Santa Paula - Solvang - Ca
Sonoma - Cal - Sunol - Cali
Susanville - - Southbury -
Southington - Saint James
Saint Peters - Suwanee - Ge
Sylvania - G - Savoy - Illi
Schaumburg - - Skokie - Ill
Smithton - I - Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph - Salem - Indi
Santa Claus - Shell Rock -
Shenandoah - - Sedan - Kans
Sedan - Kans - Sterling - K
Stockton - K - Simmesport -
Slidell - Lo - Solon - Main
South Berwic - Snow Hill -
Solomons - M - South Hadley
South Yarmou - Sandusky - M
Saranac - Mi - Spring Arbor
Spring Arbor - Stockbridge
Sturgis - Mi - Spring Grove
Spring Lake - Saltillo - M
Sardis - Mis - Seneca - Mis
Seymour - Mi - Steele - Mis
Steelville - - Superior - N
Sutherland - - Saddle Brook
Saddle River - South Plainf
South River - Sag Harbor -
Salamanca - - Sherburne -
Sherrill - N - Saint James
Saint Johnsv - Sherrills Fo
Siler City - - Sylva - Nort
Stanley - No - Southington
Spencerville - Sunbury - Oh
Swanton - Oh - Sulphur - Ok
Salem - Oreg - Schwenksvill
Scottdale - - Slatington -
Slippery Roc - Strasburg -
Strasburg - - Selmer - Ten
Sevierville - San Angelo -
San Antonio - Shallowater
Shamrock - T - Saint Hedwig
Stafford - T - Saratoga Spr
Smithfield - - Salem - Virg
Saltville - - Snoqualmie -
Soap Lake - - Schofield -
Sharon - Wis - Smithfield -
Tabor City - - Tahoka - Tex
Takoma Park - Talladega -
Tallahassee - Tama - Iowa
Tamaqua - Pe - Taos - New M
Tappahannock - Tarkio - Mis
Tarkio - Mis - Tavares - Fl
Tavernier - - Taylors - So
Taylors Fall - Taylorville
Tazewell - T - Teaneck - Ne
Teaneck - Ne - Tecumseh - O
Tehachapi - - Telluride -
Temecula - C - Temple - Okl
Temple - Tex - Tenafly - Ne
Tenaha - Tex - Terra Bella
Terrace Park - Terryville -
Teutopolis - - Texas City -
Thatcher - A - The Villages
Theodore - A - Thiells - Ne
Thiensville - Thomaston -
Thomasville - Thompson Fal
Thomson - Ge - Thornton - C
Thornton - I - Thorp - Wisc
Thorsby - Al - Three Oaks -
Three Oaks - - Thurmont - M
Ticonderoga - Tillamook -
Tillson - Ne - Timmonsville
Timpson - Te - Tipton - Iow
Tipton - Ind - Titusville -
Titusville - - Toccoa - Geo
Tok - Alaska - Tolland - Co
Tolleson - A - Tomahawk - W
Tomball - Te - Tonawanda -
Tonganoxie - - Topeka - Ind
Topeka - Kan - Topton - Pen
Toquerville - Torrington -
Totowa - New - Towanda - Ka
Towanda - Pe - Townsend - M
Townsend - M - Tracy City -
Traer - Iowa - Traverse Cit
Tremont - Il - Trenton - Fl
Trenton - Ge - Trenton - Ne
Trenton - Oh - Tribune - Ka
Trinidad - C - Tripoli - Io
Trivoli - Il - Troy - Alaba
Troy - Illin - Troy - North
Troy - New H - Troy - Texas
Troy - Vermo - Trumbull - C
Trussville - - Tuckahoe - N
Tucker - Geo - Tulare - Cal
Tulia - Texa - Tyrone - Pen
Uhrichsville - Uhrichsville
Ukiah - Cali - Ukiah - Cali
Ulster - Pen - Ulster - Pen
Ulysses - Ka - Ulysses - Ka
Umatilla - F - Umatilla - F
Umatilla - O - Umatilla - O
Unadilla - G - Unadilla - G
Unadilla - N - Unadilla - N
Underhill - - Underhill -
Unicoi - Ten - Unicoi - Ten
Union - Kent - Union - Kent
Union - Main - Union - Main
Union - Miss - Union - Miss
Union - Miss - Union - Miss
Union - New - Union - New
Union - Oreg - Union - Oreg
Union - Sout - Union - Sout
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union City - - Union City -
Union Grove - Union Grove
Union Hall - - Union Hall -
Union Point - Union Point
Union Spring - Union Spring
Uniondale - - Uniondale -
Uniontown - - Uniontown -
Uniontown - - Uniontown -
Uniontown - - Uniontown -
Uniontown - - Uniontown -
Unionville - - Unionville -
Universal Ci - Universal Ci
University P - University P
University P - University P
Upland - Cal - Upland - Cal
Upland - Ind - Upland - Ind
Upper Darby - Upper Darby
Upper Sandus - Upper Sandus
Upton - Mass - Upton - Mass
Urbana - Iow - Urbana - Iow
Urbana - Ill - Urbana - Ill
Urbana - Ill - Urbana - Ill
Urbana - Ohi - Urbana - Ohi
Urbana - Ohi - Urbana - Ohi
Ursa - Illin - Uxbridge - M
Vacaville - - Vado - New M
Vail - Arizo - Vail - Color
Valatie - Ne - Valdese - No
Valdez - Ala - Valdosta - G
Vale - Orego - Valentine -
Valhalla - N - Vallejo - Ca
Valley - Ala - Valley - Neb
Valley Cente - Valley Cente
Valley City - Valley Cotta
Valley Falls - Valley Mills
Valley Park - Valley Sprin
Valley Strea - Valparaiso -
Valparaiso - - Valrico - Fl
Van - Texas - Van Alstyne
Van Buren - - Van Buren -
Van Meter - - Van Vleck -
Van Wert - O - Vanceburg -
Vancleave - - Vancouver -
Vandalia - I - Vandalia - I
Vandalia - M - Vandalia - O
Vandergrift - Vardaman - M
Varnville - - Vashon - Was
Vassalboro - - Vassar - Mic
Vassar - Mic - Veedersburg
Veneta - Ore - Venice - Flo
Venice - Ill - Venice - Ill
Ventnor City - Ventura - Ca
Veradale - W - Vergennes -
Vermilion - - Vermilion -
Vermillion - - Vermontville
Vernal - Uta - Vernon - Ala
Vernon - Ill - Vernon - New
Vernon - New - Vernon - Tex
Vernon - Ver - Vernon Hills
Vernonia - O - Vero Beach -
Verona - New - Verona - New
Verona - New - Verona - Pen
Verona - Vir - Verona - Wis
Versailles - - Versailles -
Versailles - - Versailles -
Vestal - New - Vevay - Indi
Vian - Oklah - Vicksburg -
Vicksburg - - Victor - Ida
Victor - New - Victoria - K
Victoria - M - Victoria - T
Victoria - V - Victorville
Vidalia - Ge - Vidalia - Lo
Vidor - Texa - Vienna - Geo
Vienna - Ill - Vienna - Ohi
Vienna - Wes - Voorheesvill
Warrior - Al - Ward - Arkan
Warren - Ark - West Sacrame
Westlake Vil - Winton - Cal
Wofford Heig - Weatogue - C
West Hartfor - Woodbridge -
Woodbury - C - Winter Sprin
Wadley - Geo - Wrens - Geor
Wrightsville - Warrensburg
Warrenville - Wayne City -
Wayne - Illi - Willowbrook
Wilmette - I - Wood River -
Wood River - - West Lafayet
West Terre H - Washington -
Waterloo - I - Winterset -
Woodbine - I - West Liberty
Wheelwright - Wisner - Lou
Woodworth - - Windsor - Ma
Winterport - - Wareham - Ma
Watertown - - Westborough
Westfield - - Winthrop - M
Woburn - Mas - Wayne - Mich
Webberville - Woodland - M
Wyandotte - - Waverly - Mi
Wayzata - Mi - Water Valley
Waveland - M - Wellsville -
Wentzville - - Wolf Point -
Wahoo - Nebr - Warner - New
Warren - New - Washington -
Washington - - Wildwood - N
Williamstown - Wantagh - Ne
Wappingers F - Wellsville -
West Babylon - Westhampton
Westmoreland - Worcester -
Wurtsboro - - Wendell - No
West Jeffers - West Fargo -
Williston - - Wellington -
Wellston - O - Wheelersburg
Whitehouse - - Wooster - Oh
Wooster - Oh - Wynnewood -
Waldport - O - Waymart - Pe
Waynesboro - - Willow Grove
Willow Stree - Ware Shoals
Wellford - S - Westmoreland
White Bluff - Weimar - Tex
Wellington - - Wilmer - Tex
Wimberley - - West Jordan
Willard - Ut - Wolcott - Ve
Warrenton - - Waitsburg -
Walla Walla - Weirton - We
Wellsburg - - Woonsocket -
Xenia - Ohio - Xenia - Ohio
Yacolt - Was - Yacolt - Was
Yadkinville - Yadkinville
Yakima - Was - Yakima - Was
Yalaha - Flo - Yalaha - Flo
Yale - Michi - Yale - Michi
Yale - Oklah - Yale - Oklah
Yanceyville - Yanceyville
Yankton - So - Yankton - So
Yaphank - Ne - Yaphank - Ne
Yarmouth - M - Yarmouth - M
Yarmouth Por - Yarmouth Por
Yates Center - Yates Center
Yazoo City - - Yazoo City -
Yeagertown - - Yeagertown -
Yellow Sprin - Yellow Sprin
Yellville - - Yellville -
Yelm - Washi - Yelm - Washi
Yerington - - Yerington -
Yoakum - Tex - Yoakum - Tex
Yonkers - Ne - Yonkers - Ne
Yorba Linda - Yorba Linda
York - Alaba - York - Alaba
York - Maine - York - Maine
York - Nebra - York - Nebra
York - Penns - York - Penns
York - Penns - York - Penns
York - South - York - South
Yorktown - I - Yorktown - I
Yorktown - T - Yorktown - T
Yorktown Hei - Yorktown Hei
Yorkville - - Yorkville -
Yorkville - - Yorkville -
Yorkville - - Yorkville -
Youngstown - - Youngstown -
Youngstown - - Youngstown -
Youngsville - Youngsville
Youngsville - Youngsville
Youngtown - - Youngtown -
Youngwood - - Youngwood -
Yountville - - Yountville -
Ypsilanti - - Ypsilanti -
Ypsilanti - - Ypsilanti -
Yreka - Cali - Yreka - Cali
Yuba City - - Yuba City -
Yucaipa - Ca - Yucaipa - Ca
Yucca Valley - Yucca Valley
Yukon - Okla - Yukon - Okla
Yulee - Flor - Yulee - Flor
Yuma - Arizo - Yuma - Arizo
Yutan - Nebr - Yutan - Nebr
Zachary - Lo - Zanesville -
Zapata - Tex - Zebulon - Ge
Zebulon - No - Zeeland - Mi
Zeigler - Il - Zelienople -
Zellwood - F - Zephyrhills
Zillah - Was - Zimmerman -
Zion - Illin - Zion - Illin
Zionsville - - Zolfo Spring
Zwolle - Lou - Zwolle - Lou